Luis C. Busquets Pérez
Luis C. Busquets Pérez holds a degree in telecommunications engineering (UPC, Barcelona) and a Master in Business Administration (ESADE, Barcelona). For more than 20 years, his professional career has been developed in the ICT sector covering all OSI layers (from fibre optics and semiconductors to IT applications). Previous to his career in the European institutions, he held several positions in marketing and sales for ICT Fortune 500 companies. In 2006, he joined the European Commission services and is currently Programme Officer in DG CONNECT E2, which is the Cloud and Software unit.

Open Source increasing use in digital technologies together with big market operations on companies dealing with Open Source have motivated the European Commission to launch an in-depth analysis of OS current role, position and potential for the European economy. Indeed Open Source Software (OSS) has become mainstream across all sectors of the software industry over the past decade. On the other hand, the level of maturity of Open Source Hardware (OSH) appears far lower but it is stepping in fast. The talk will cover how the Commission has investigated/quantified the economic impact of OSS and OSH on the European economy and what are the key relevant facts to highlight and to use to increase the welfare of European citizens