Stavros Niafas
Stavros Niafas has received his diploma in Computer Engineering from TEI of Central Greece. He also holds an MSc in Image Synthesis & Multimedia and an Msc in Data Science from NCSR Demokritos and the University of Peloponnese.
He works as Machine Learning engineer in Digital Market Intelligence while his research interests expand in domains of Machine/Deep learning, Computer Vision and data-centric AI. He is also actively engaged in systems engineering, FLOSS & photography.

MLOps is becoming an essential tool for a ML project's lifecycle.
This session will present the challenges when building and maintaining a ML application
and how MLFlow can contribute e2e to a project's lifecycle.
--Interested in one of the hottest trends in ML for production environent? 🔥
--Curious about how to deploy your ML model effortless? 🚀
This workshop is designed for anyone wants to take his/her ML models a step further 🦸