Antonis Christofides
In the last 25 years I’ve written software to streamline the management of hydro/meteorological measurements; to make time series visualization and processing easy; to provide irrigation advice; and much more. I have been working with automatic meteorological stations since 1992; I’ve occasionally written programs to interface directly with meteorological loggers; I’ve dug out dusty old handwritten weather observations and keyed them in myself; I have created various web sites and web-accessible databases; I’ve administrated servers, including email and network, and high-availability databases with automatic failover.
In research, I’ve worked on water-related decision making when there are conflicting objectives; on evaluation of climate models; on causation and determinism in hydrology and the climate; and more.
My opinion on climate change is that there is no evidence that it is man-made.
I am a member of the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) and of the Hellenic Linux Users Group. I was the vice-president of the FFII in 2007.
I help scientists and engineers create software. In particular, I help them bring their models to the web.

Κώδικες συμπεριφοράς στις κοινότητες ελεύθερου λογισμικού